Thursday, September 21, 2006

blogging update

Typing with two fingers taped together is very difficult, so I might be doing more vlogging instead of blogging for a while.

When I fell on Sunday while hiking, apparently I fractured my finger and have a wee bone chip. Hand surgeon recommended taping for a bit. So I have my middle finger and ring finger (the injured one) taped together. Taking me about 20 min to type this short post. Uff da!

Look for a video soon, probably chronicling my time spent with some elk yesterday. Maybe I'll show a pic of my finger so I can get some sympathy. ;)

I'll leave you with one picture of a recent sunset I saw while on a much less eventful hike.


  1. Beautiful photo!

    And because I'm apparently out of it, I didn't realize that you fell and hurt your finger after reading your last entry. :-( I always hate that numb feeling that you get just before the pain kicks in and then GAAHHHRAARRAGAGAHHHhhh!

    If you post a pic to get sympathy, make sure to open your eyes really wide and make them good and watery to really capture it. I recommend onions.

    Okay, you may now flip me the bird with your extra big middle finger now. ;-)

  2. A wee bone chip, huh? Hope it heals well and quickly. Must be a real challenge to type without all your fingers. I don't know how you do it.

    Now you must audio blog like Marvin. Ah, Marvin, where is here???

  3. Aaaaw, sorry to hear about your finger! Hope it heals quickly and that you're not in too much pain.

    Pain sucks; I don't recommend indulging in it. ;)

  4. I didn't know "you guys" were using Norwegian words on a daily basis :) I feel honoured, although it has nothing to do with me..

    Hope your finger gets better soon!

  5. Dramatic photo, thanks.

    Hope you get well soon!

  6. Cool stuff, C! (except for the finger, of course)

    I get you on how-to-restart blogging thing, but for the time being it's better to limit my distractions.

    I love the video... it leaves me with a much more distinct sense of what it'll be like to be face-to-face with you!

    Steve Schalchlin got a good pic of me, and him, and Mike on Saturday... it's at his blog.

    Take care, and if the fingers will cooperate with the DNS thingy we talked about, it would be great to have that done...
