Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy National Coming Out Day!

I just realized today that it's been three years since the night that I told my ex-ex-gay story for the first time. I had just started this blog a week or so before and I was so nervous about speaking in front of this group of 20 women. I had only met Peterson six months before and we'd only spoken three times at that point. At the end of the post where I told about the evening those three years ago, I wrote, "I'm amazed at who I'm becoming." Telling my story, my truth, was a big step for me, and one that ended up being life-changing.

Now I look back on the three years and so much has happened. Beyond Ex-Gay, the Glamour article (it will be three years ago tomorrow that I connected with Stephen Fried for the Glamour article), the Ex-Gay Survivor Conference, and all of it.

For all my friends and readers who are "out" - thank you. Keep telling your stories. For those who are yet to be, I can say that for me it's made all the difference.

And I'm still amazed at who I'm becoming.


  1. I have mixed feeling on "National Coming Out Day"

    Only 21 states have anti-discrimination laws that cover sexual orientation and only 13 states have anti-discrimination laws protecting gender identity and expression. In all the other states they still can be fired for being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender and in those states, I have a hard time telling them it is OK to come out of the "closet".

    I also "am amazed at who I'm becoming." If you told me just eight years ago where I would be now, I would have denied that I was transgender.

  2. Christine,

    I've missed following your blog for the past couple of months! I sorta went offline.

    My partner tells me that we're not human beings, but humans becoming.

    Echo and bravo on your amazement!

    Hope to continue hearing more about your process!

  3. Suzanne, well you haven't missed much - I've been on a bit of a blogging haitus. Glad to see you!

    Diana, I definitely understand you're mixed feelings. I've had them too, especially when I could not be out for whatever reason. I often tell people who are considering coming out to think of all the possible ramifications. I don't believe in coming out no matter the personal cost unless someone is really ready to deal with all the repercussions. That especially is true for youth.

    Oh, and I think you're becoming an amazing person who inspires me!

  4. Oh, horrors! I just used "you're" when I meant to type "your." I hope I can live this down.
