Monday, April 03, 2006

Working together

I just delivered 2/3 of the work that was due today. This might be the first time in my life I've ever missed a deadline. Fortunately the client is OK with giving me a bit extra time.

Anyway, I am getting through it, thanks to help from Max and Sophie (and also some good stuff to look at on my nearby bulletin board--click for a larger image).


  1. Ah yes...special advertising term. It's one of those little slick envelope-sized ads that come in your phone or credit card bill...trying to sell you on something else. They seem like they are so little and easy...and so unimportant....they should be easy to crank out right?

    But in the advertising world it can take (literally) months to get one from start to finish (including all the routing through various departments....on that sign I have a post-it note that says "because God didn't have to get client or legal dept. sign-off!")

    It's just sick advertising humor. :)
